10 Tips for Adjusting to a New Mattress Comfortably

10 Tips for Adjusting to a New Mattress Comfortably

10 Tips for Adjusting to a New Mattress Comfortably

Getting a new mattress is an exciting investment in your sleep quality and overall health. However, the transition to a new mattress can sometimes be challenging as your body adjusts to the new support and comfort levels. Here are some tips for breaking in a new mattress to help you make the most out of your purchase and ensure a smooth and restful adjustment period.

1. Give It Time

Just like breaking in a new pair of shoes, your new mattress needs some time to adjust to your body. It may feel firmer or softer than expected at first, but this is normal. Allow at least 30 days for your body to get used to the new sleeping surface. Allow the mattress enough time to soften. Memory foam mattresses, for example, need time to adjust to your sleeping habits.

2. Add Comfort Layers

You can try using a mattress topper for extra comfort during the transition period. A mattress topper alters the feel of your mattress, making it softer or firmer. It's like a mini makeover for your bed. Toppers can help correct many mattress problems without having to replace the mattress. And bonus, toppers may help to extend the life of your mattress by protecting it from wear and tear.

3. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Routine

Sticking to a regular sleep schedule can help your body adjust more quickly to your new mattress. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This consistency helps regulate your internal clock and improves the overall quality of your sleep.

4. Use a Mattress Protector

A mattress protector can help keep your new mattress in top condition by guarding against spills, dust, and allergens. It also makes it easier to clean and maintain your mattress, ensuring a longer lifespan and a healthier sleeping environment.

5. Let it Breathe

Before putting on new bedding, let the mattress air out for a few hours so the materials can expand and soften with oxygen.

6. Properly Support the Mattress

Make sure your bed base provides the right support for your new mattress. A base provides proper support, distributing body weight evenly, which reduces pressure points and prevents the mattress from sagging. Your salesperson can assist you with this important step.

7. Pay Attention to Your Sleep Position

Your sleep position may need to adjust slightly to accommodate your new mattress. Whether you sleep on your back, side, or stomach, ensure that your spine is aligned correctly to avoid any discomfort or pain. You might need to use additional pillows to support your neck, back, or knees.

8. Address Any Discomfort

If you experience persistent discomfort, don’t ignore it. It’s essential to determine whether the issue is with the mattress itself or other factors like your pillow or sleep habits. If the discomfort persists, consult the retailer or manufacturer for advice or consider returning or exchanging the mattress if it’s within the trial period.

9. Rotate and Flip the Mattress

When you sleep in the same spot on your bed night after night, the mattress can break down which changes the feel of your bed. To ensure even wear and tear, rotate and flip your mattress every few months. This helps maintain its shape and support, providing a more comfortable sleeping surface over time.

10. Stay Patient and Positive

Adjusting to a new mattress can take time, but patience and a positive mindset can make the transition easier. Focus on the long-term benefits of better sleep and improved health that come with a quality mattress.

Switching to a new mattress is a significant step towards better sleep and well-being. By giving it time, maintaining a consistent routine, and creating a conducive sleep environment, you can make the new mattress adjustment period smoother and more comfortable. Happy sleeping!

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